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Islam Reviewed
Contrary to the Muslim claim that the Koran is perfect and free from
contradiction, the Koran is not only a bundle of contradictions, but a
volume of confusion. The following examples prove the point:
"Those who believe [in the Qur.an], and those who follow the
Jewish [Scriptures], and the Christians and the Sabians, any one
who believe in God and the last day, and work righteousness
shall have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no
fear, nor shall they grieve." (Sura 2:62).
Now, read a counter "revelation" in Sura Imran:
"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam [Submission to
God] he will be in the ranks of those who have lost all spiritual
good" (Sura 3:85)
The Koran rightly condemns hypocrisy (Sura 4:138; 9:64-68) and
teaches that hypocrites will occupy the lowest part of Hell fire, (Sura
4:145). Yet Allah commands Muhammad to compel men to Islam at the
point of the sword , i.e., in a Jihad (see Sura 47:4; 2:191; 4:74-77) while
elsewhere stating that there should be no compulsion in religion (Sura
2:256). These statements cannot be logically reconciled. To condemn
religious coercion while making Jihad incumbent on Muslims is surely
hypocritical and an obvious contradiction.
In Sura 2:6-7, Muhammad is told that his attempt to convert the
unbelievers will not avail anything because Allah has sealed their heart
and their ears and blindfolded their eyes. But elsewhere Muhammad is
told to attempt their conversion, by peaceful means anyway (Sura
24:54). In Surat al-Ghashiya, Muhammad is reminded of his role as a
warner only and that the disbelievers will be punished by Allah himself.
"Thou art not one to manage [men's] affairs. But if any turn
away and reject God, God will punish him with a mighty
punishment, for to us will be their return." (Sura 88:22-25).
The very contrary is taught in other passages as the great prophet of
Islam claims that Allah has commanded him to spread Islam with the
sword. In Sura 4:48, 116, we learned that Shirk,1 (idolatry) is an
unpardonable sin, yet Abraham (Ibrahim), the friend of God, is alleged
to be guilty of this sin (see Sura 6:75-78).
The power to create and impart life is the exclusive right of God
alone. He cannot permit angels or prophets to create life or they would
also be God. Yet Koran on the one hand teaches that Jesus fashioned a
bird out of clay and imparted life into the bird (Sura 3:49), while on the
other hand, the same Koran teaches that Jesus is no more than a
It is common knowledge that only God is worthy of worship, yet the
Koran teaches that Iblis or Satan was cast out of heaven for his refusal to
worship Adam (Sura 2:34; 7:11-13; 38:72-77). Wine is forbidden to
Muslims here on earth (Sura 5:92, 2:219) but rivers of wine are
promised them in Aljana, the Muslim heaven (Sura 47:15; 76:6; 83:25).
The true God is neither the author of confusion nor contradictions.
These confusions and contradictions coupled with the historic blunders
and errors may explain why Muslim scholars resist any serious analysis
of the Koran.
In view of all the above, the question that comes to mind is this:
"Who wrote the Koran?" Muslims believe that Allah sent the angel
Gabriel at various times to dictate the Koran to Muhammad. Their
reasoning is that Muhammad being an Ummie (i.e. illiterate), could not
have written a book like the Koran by himself. At this juncture, it is wise
to ask the following questions:
(1) Which university did our Lord Jesus attend?
(2) Prophet Noah (Nuhu), David (Dauda), Jonah (Yunus) etc.
graduated from which academy?
Illiteracy is neither synonymous with imbecility nor does it necessarily
mean disability of the intellect nor lack of ingenuity. Educational
qualifications are not the credentials for divine commission. But though
Muhammad himself was illiterate, his advisers were not. Muhammad
had some very able secretaries and religious advisers such as Zaid Ibn
1 Editor's note: Suggesting that there are other gods besides Allah.
Thabit, a learned man who later headed the board of editors that edited
the Uthmanic edition of the Koran (see page 20).
Before Jihad was declared against them, the people of Mecca were
not taken in by Muhammad's "revelations." In many suras, the Koran
itself records the Meccan allegation against Muhammad, that he forged
the Koran with the help of other men:
"But the misbelievers say: Naught is this but a lie which he has
forged, and others have helped him in it . . ." (Sura 25:4; See
also Sura 16:101, 103; 46:8).
The Meccans held on to that accusation until they were brutally
overwhelmed by the bloody edge of the Islamic sword. Their
accusations were not without merit. Muhammad did have a lot of
editorial help.1
Unfortunately, men can condition themselves to believe in a fraud,
if the fraud has existed long enough and is widely confessed, but there
is no fraud in the Bible God. No matter how much a fraudulent religion
is universally accepted, the verdict of Christ is:
Every plant [religious system] that my heavenly father has not
planted will be pulled up by the roots: (Matthew 15:13).
That is one of the reasons Jesus is coming again. He will descend like a
furious eagle to tear to shreds all false religions and Satanic systems, for
no foundation can stand apart from the one that is already laid, Christ
Jesus, Himself:
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is
Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation [of
Jesus with] gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the [last] day
shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire
1 Other advisers were: Waraqa ibn Naufal (Khadija's cousin). History has proved
he was a Roman Catholic monk before pitching his tent with Muhammad as a
religious adviser (cf. Yusuf Ali's Comm. No. 32). Abdullah ibn Salam, a learned
Jewish rabbi before joining Muhammad. Others are Uthman Ibn Huwairith; Abu
Faqaihah; a Greek renamed Abu Takbiha etc. (See Ibn Hisham, Siratu'r Rasul Vol.
1, p. 184; cf.. The Mizanul Haqq, Part 3, pp. 271, 272.).
shall try every man's work of what sort it is. (1 Corinthians
Very soon you will be regretting in eternal fire unless you repent
genuinely from your sins and accept Jesus with your whole heart and
renounce the religion of the jinns.
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