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Islam Reviewed
A time came in Islamic history when the Muslims faced severe persecu-
tion from the unyielding Meccans, so severe in fact, that eighty three of
Muhammad's followers had to flee to Abyssinia (Ethiopia). When the
persecution grew worse, Muhammad underwent a moment of despair
and made compromising "revelations." He declared the possibility of
Allah having a wife, Al-Lat and two daughters, Al-Uzza and Mannat, as
recorded in Surat an-Najim:
"For truly did he see, the signs of his Lord, the greatest! Have ye
seen Lat, and Uzza, and another, the third [goddess] Manat?
What! For you the male sex, and for him, the female? Behold,
such would be indeed a division most unfair!" (Sura 53:18-22).
This indirect confession of polytheism made the Meccan pagans
happy. Their bone of contention had been done away with (earlier, he
had fearlessly lashed out against polytheism). The Meccans immediately
lifted the boycott, stopped the persecution, and peace again reigned in
Mecca. The Muslims who had migrated to Ethiopia heard the good news
and returned home. But by then, Muhammad had withdrawn his
confession. It appears that Muhammad realized the far reaching negative
effect his compromise with the polytheists would have on his ministry.
So on at least this one occasion, he admitted that he was actually
inspired by Satan, as we read in Surat al-Hajj:
"Never did we send an Apostle or a prophet before thee but
when he frame a desire, Satan threw some [vanity] into his
desire. But God will cancel anything [vain] that Satan throws in.
And God will confirm [and establish] his signs. For God is full of
knowledge and wisdom, that he may make the suggestions
thrown in by Satan, but a trial. For those in whose hearts is a
disease and who are hardened of heart: Verily the wrong doers
are in a schism far [from truth]" (Surat al-Hajj 22:52,53).
The Al-Jalalayn interpretation is that after Muhammad recited Surat
an-Najim (Sura 53) before a Council, the angel Gabriel informed him
that the verses were put in his tongue by Satan. Muhammad felt sorry and
confessed his mistakes, supposing a similar fate befell preceding apostles.
Later on Allah annulled these Satanic verses with better "revela-
tions." As the last part of verse 53 suggests, Allah supposedly permitted
Satanic utterances to be in the Koran to test weak Muslims or to cut off
those who had hardened hearts. Thus, Islam itself regards Sura 53:18-22
to be Satanic, and Muhammad did indeed reject them later. Remember
Salman Rushdie? He didn't invent those Satanic verses. Those Satanic
verses are really in the Koran.
Here is a serious point for Muslims to ponder:
So, provably, there was one occasion when Muhammad was unable
to tell the difference between the voice of Satan and the voice of Allah.
Is that the only time it happened? Could there be other revelations
believed to be from Allah that were really from Satan? Is it possible that
the whole Koran is little more than Satanic verses?
Muslims claim that the Koran contains the words of Allah, 100%, but
the Koran not only has Satanic verses, but also a demonic sura. Unbeliev-
ably, a whole sura (chapter) in the Koran is named after the demons.
Shocking but true. Sura 72 is entitled Jinn (demons), Here is a short
"1. Say: It has been revealed to me that a company of Jinns
listened [to the Koran] They said, we have really heard a
wonderful Recital!
2. It gives guidance to the right, and we have believed therein
we shall not join [in worship] any [gods] with our Lord.
3. And exalted is the majesty of our Lord: He has taken neither
a wife nor a son.
4. There are some foolish ones among us who used to utter
extravagant lies against God.
5. But we do think that no man or spirit should say aught that
is untrue against God.
6. True, there were persons among mankind who took shelter
with persons among the jinns but they increased them in folly.
7. And they [came to] think as ye thought, that God would not
raise up anyone [to judgement].
8. And we pried into the secret of heaven: but we found it filled
with stern guards and flaming fires.
9. We used, indeed, to sit there in [hidden] stations, to [steal] a
hearing: but any who listen now will find a flaming fire watch-
ing him in ambush.
10. And we understand not whether it is intended to those on
earth or whether their Lord [really] intends to guide them to
right conduct.
11. There are among us that are righteous and some the
contrary: we follow divergent path.
12. But we think that we can by no means frustrate God,
throughout the earth, nor can we frustrate Him by flight.
13. And as for us, since we have listened to the guidance, we
have accepted it: and any who believes in his Lord has no fear,
either of a short [account] or of any injustice.
14. Amongst us are some that submit their wills [to God] and
some that swerve from justice. Now those who submit their
wills-they sought out [the path] of right conduct.
15. But those who swerve, they are [but] fuel for hell fire."
It should disturb every Muslim that demonic conversations are consid-
ered to be part of the supposed word of Allah. But upon reflection you
can see how and why they are.
First of all, let us define Jinns.
Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English defined jinns to be
genies or goblins - mischievous demons - ugly looking evil spirits. The
Bible defines demons as angels who followed Satan in his rebellion
against God:
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought
against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and
prevailed not: neither was their place found anymore in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast
out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him. (Rev.
No one should take a jinn's claim seriously, that "some of them are
righteous," Sura 72:11. Satan is the father of lies (John 19:44), so why
should we believe what his Jinns said in the Koran? Jinns, like their
Master (Satan), are liars. To deceive us, they gather half-baked truths
into bundles of lies. That demons and Satan are barred from the true
heaven forever is indicated from their own confession in verses 8-9.
There they admit that they unsuccessfully tried to storm heaven but met
opposition from stern-looking angelic guards. Even their attempt to spy
at heaven was foiled as they admit in verse 9. The true nature and root
of Islam is revealed in verse 14 when the jinns, (whom the Bible God
cast out of heaven) became Muslims and found a refuge in Islam.
"Among us [jinns-demons] are some that submit wills (to God)
[i.e. Muslims] and some that swerve from justice. Now those
who submit their wills [demonic Muslims] they sought out [the
path] of right conduct." (Sura 72, Jinn, 14).
God forbid that I should belong to the same religion that the arch-
enemies of God, the demons, also profess. Who could sponsor a religion
that includes God's arch-enemies, i.e. the jinns (demons)? Only Satan
posing as Allah would do so. Before their conversion, the evil spirits
confessed what was later to be a central theme of Islam, that Allah has
neither taken a wife nor had a son (72:3).
It is clear at this point that while posing as the angel Gabriel and
claiming to be from Allah, one of these jinns (demons), gave Muhammad
a denial of the sonship of Christ and the fatherhood of God. This blatant
falsehood is repeated over twenty times in the Koran. Bearing in mind
the Satanic verses incident, one must acknowledge that the devil can
impersonate a holy angel. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). As an interesting
note, when Muhammad received his first "revelations," he was not sure
of the source of them himself. His wife (Khadija) convinced him that
they must have come by the angel Gabriel.1
Muhammad's encounter with the jinns (demons) is also recorded in
another sura, Sura 46, Al-Ahqaf, 29-32:
29: "Behold, we turned towards the company of jinns [quietly]
listening to the Koran; when they stood in thy presence thereof,
they said "Listen in silence!" when the (reading) was finished,
they returned to their people, to warn [them of their sins].
30: They said, O our people! we have heard a Book revealed
after Moses, confirming what came before it: It guides [men] to
the truth and to straight path.
1 See Yusuf Ali's Commentary No. 31-33.
31: O our people hearken to the one who invite [you] to God,
and believe in him: He will forgive you your faults, and deliver
you from a penalty grievous.
32: If any does not hearken to the one who invites [us] to God,
he cannot frustrate [God's plan] on earth, and no protectors can
he have besides God; such men [wonders] in manifest errors."
These are admissions, within the Koran, that Muhammad had actual
contacts with demons. This encounter is believed to have taken place at
a time Muhammad lost his first wife, Khadija, and his uncle, Abu Talib,
who had been protecting him all along. Muhammad tried to seek refuge
in Taif, a village on the hilly side of Mecca, but the villagers rejected him,
and he slipped out to the desert where the jinns (demons) met with him
as he recited the Koran.
This second sura, dealing with the same event as in Sura Jinn, goes
so far as to reveal that the jinns (demons), after listening to the Koran,
began to proclaim it to others. In other words, demons became mission-
aries for Islam. Their support for the Koran shows that the jinns and
Islam are inseparable. The conversion of seventy three Yatrib (Medina)
pagans to Islam, before the Prophet Muhammad even set foot there,
cannot be unconnected with the evangelistic activities of "faithful" jinns
(demons). As expert whisperers, demons whispered to villagers, "Lo! we
have heard a wonderful recitation, [i.e. the Koran], so believe it" (Sura
46:31). Obviously, demons played a crucial role in the formation of
Islam, and today they are playing a significant role in its spread. The
jinn's are true Muslims!
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